Oakland Mayor
H. Michael Brown: mbrown@oaklandtn.gov
General Administration
Jenna Arnold: jarnold@oaklandtn.gov
Parks, Recreation, & Cultural Arts
Amy Segraves: parksandrecreation@oaklandtn.gov
Municipal Judge
Fire & Rescue
Police Department
Chris Earl: cearl@oaklandtn.gov
Larry Gaines: lgaines@oaklandtn.gov
Jimmy Maxwell: jmaxwell@oaklandtn.gov
Cynthia Hardin: chardin@oaklandtn.gov
Valerie Bunch: vbunch@oaklandtn.gov
Public Works
Harvey Ellis: hellis@oaklandtn.gov
Water & Waste Water
Eric Armstrong: earmstrong@oaklandtn.gov
Anne Marie Hall: ahall@oaklandtn.gov
Building & Code Enforcement
Walter Owen: building@oaklandtn.gov
Chris Pate: cpate@oaklandtn.gov
“Oakland TN was established in 1830 on both sides of Stage Road, a road running from Memphis through Raleigh, through Oakland and on to Somerville. Dr. James A. Hunter erected the first house and he and his brothers opened the first dry goods store. By 1831, Oakland had enough residents for a post office.” from The History of Fayette County, Tennessee pages 256-257
“Oakland TN was established in 1830 on both sides of Stage Road, a road running from Memphis through Raleigh, through Oakland and on to Somerville. Dr. James A. Hunter erected the first house and he and his brothers opened the first dry goods store. By 1831, Oakland had enough residents for a post office.” from The History of Fayette County, Tennessee pages 256-257